“It’s a curious thing about our industry: not only do we not learn from our mistakes, but we also don’t learn from our successes.” ― Keith Braithwaite
I am a software developer utilizing a scientific methodology with an insatiable appetite for learning. I am captivated by the intricacies and complexities of web development and how it all comes together. I aim to contribute my knowledge of programming, coupled with unique perspective and insight, to a great team.
Test Driven Development | Object Oriented Programming | Git Version Control | Paired Programming | Maven | Spring | Terminal | IntelliJ
Html | CSS | ES6| Javascript | jQuery | API | NPM | Jasmine
Java | mySQL | Servlets | Node.js | jUnit | JSP/JSTL | MVC
Want to learn even more? Just click below and get a copy of my current resume!
These are the most recent personal pieces I have worked on, make sure to check my github!
A Full stack web application that allows users to search for any movie in the OMDB database and display the search results. Users can create accounts with a username and password and log in to search through the database. Users can also view more details and bookmark favorite movies. The project was built using the OMDb API, Java, MySQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap.
A Full stack web application that operates as a platform for connections between musicians and venues in real time across multiple cities. Musicians can connect with other musicians to help fill a spot for their next gig or find that special venue in need of musical talent. Allows a streamlined approach to seeking talent and a space for music to be shared and discussed. GigMatch was built using the Filestack API for uploading images, Mapbox API for geolocation of users, as well as Java, SpringBoot, MySQL, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, jQuery and Bootstrap.
Full stack Java application, which implements the MVC design pattern, using JSPs, Servlets, JavaBeans, mySQL, BCrypt, as well as Bootstrap. Upon registration, users of WokeLister are able to create, view, and update business status’ as well as current events upon registration; registered users are also able to update unique account information.